Free and Open Source password manager for Android, iOS, MacOS, Linux and Windows. Compatible with KeePass.
Join Our Community - Source code is available on GitHub, get help, suggest improvements or debug problems in our forum, report bugs as GitHub issue.

Secure your Passwords
- Load/Decrypt kdbx using password and/or key file.
- Search through stored credentials.
- Organize passwords using groups.
- Desktop (Mac, Linux, Windows): Keyboard shortcuts for Search, Copy, Navigation, etc.
- Desktop & Mobile: Copy & paste support.

Native integrations
Store master password in the KeyStore/KeyChain secured with biometric data. (Fingerprint, Face Unlock, etc.)
Hook into native APIs for seamless integration into Form-Fills. (Only available on Android right now)
Easily keep your passwords synchronized between all your mobile and desktop devices. Using Google Drive, Dropbox or WebDAV (NextCloud, OwnCloud, etc.)
Frequently asked questions
Where can I download the app?
Download from your favorite App Store! Or fork the source code on GitHub!
What's with Windows and Linux?
Good News! We have now launched also on Windows and Linux 👍️
When will it be ready?
IT IS NOW! Try it out, and don't forget to provide feedback, report bugs or leave reviews.
How can I contribute to AuthPass or show my gratitude?
Glad you asked 🙏️ Check out our article on how to contribute!.